


don't judge him!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Rumor Mill LOL, ppl fall victim to it so easily. The more you entertain the bullshit, the more it'll effect you. The true test of character would be how you rise from the situation.

At times its those who are closest to you whom are those who start the rumors?? But why? There must be a sense of accomplishment that reveals its ugly head from doing this.

-5 days later-

Oh well, its a new day....new chapter n time to write a new book. Filled with personal accomplishments...surprises n I may be able to write my own love story ;).

Til then I'm about Induldge myself in some retail therapy!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

With yourself

Have you ever felt like you were in a relationship with yourself? Not like "Imma do me" type of relationship but where everything you felt...said...made was for a person who physically existed but not emotionally? It's one of those concepts that don't make sense at first, but after rereading it you realize that its very real. Sending texts to a number without mirror perception...sex almost feels like masturbation...the slightest touch feels like Casper cold skin...staring into eyes without pupils all become to vivid...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Summer Plans

....summer has arrived and I don't have much of a game plan. May begins summer classes. Physics n Math #OhWhatJoy. But I guess on the days I'm not studying frantically, I can continue going to the gym every other day... Take scenic walks like I used to take with Akil...Arboretum...Millennium Park at Dusk...Every Beach that exist...Public Garden (Sober)...and discover new spots as well. Maybe I can discover my hidden jewels throughout Boston...or beyond.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I wanna get nails done.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Right People in your Life

What's in a best friend? Well, I can tell you what's not in one:

1. Two Faced
2. Tells your buisness to almost everyone without moral regard
3. Isn't happy for you when your are afforded oppurnuities that most would kill for.
4. That doesn't support you in your endeavors, especially when distance is required.
5. Doesn't drag you into muddy situations because they know it could possibly hurt you.
6. They wouldn't speal ill of you when they are mad, nor divuldge your secrets.
7. They are happy for you when you are happy.
8. They give you advise without bias.
9. They are always there for you no matter whom is involved in the equation.
10. They don't discriminate on whom my choice in friends are.
11. The jealousy card isn't even thrown down.
12. They aren't fake nor cordial "JUST BECAUSE"
13. If they have a problem, they talk it out with you, rather than telling the whole world your buisness.

I could go on and on about what a NON-BEST FRIEND would be, but some might take that to offense...and they should, the title of best friend doesn't go to someone who could embody any of these characteristics...but who am I to judge friendship, I just know that I love my best friends just the way they are:


Caring and Understanding

Always there when you need em' without deceit

Even when nights are boring n lonely, they are up for a session of Selena!

And will push you to make the best decisions, that could benefit you and only you.

Shouler to cry on...lean on...and guidance!

Monday, March 28, 2011

: I'd love to continue living in this moment where memories compile...but I can't

: I'd love to continue living in this moment where memories compile...but I can't. The uncertainty is unbearable and it hurts at best. Sure it would be cool to climbs mountain or dive in seas...all of those adventures....that could be us. Sure we could attend a Hollywood screening or float off into space...ya that sounds like us. But it won't be us. Bathing in the past memories will leave a permanent stench that the notion of new memories won't be able to mask. Progression never equals digression and if this is progress I don't want any piece or whole of it. Sure I made my bed and I've slept in it way too long. I'm starting to get back aches...bed sores. Time for me to wake up and smell the realness cuz if this is what I'm bargaining for, then return it...back to a year ago when I was happy nothing phased me...now I'm all sprung in unrequited love like this man pays me.