


don't judge him!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Where do I start??
Tisk Tisk... you were my first black friend at Mount! I remember traveling with you to Ashmont just to get home! (You are probably laughing at me now because you know where I live and it was a force for me to go all the way over there lol). I remember the "Ebony Days"....but I had to let go, but you kept on trucking, funnily enough--> we made a full circle and we are right back to where we were, but only closer.

Love...Sweet Love
I know that I can call you, text you, tweet you, fbok you, EMAIL you, ANYTHING YOU if I ever needed you...near or far. You are literally a hop and a step away! You are my sister!! Not my maroon sweater sister, but my blood sister. You are one of the few people who can walk up into my house...no announcement...and drink beers with Michael and no one would question you! MI CASA ES SU CASA!
And convenietly enough, God saw that it was fit that you come back to Boston after being away from us for soooo long! I am so happy you are back with us. If there was a sisterhood of the traveling "something", you would be the sister that I share Tampons with LOL...KIDDING...lol..Gross visual, but you know what I mean!!

Thanks for always being the girl I can be on the phone with for HOURS NON END!! And you know that I am always here for you too. HAPPY BDAY BTW, we are gunna have a great weekend... :)


i love you  :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

I can NEVER HATE THIS GIRL!! ERICA "RICKY BLAZE" MOISE---->Na pale sou facebook!

idk Where to start lol! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
Since day one I was pretty excited when I met you. Smile from ear to ear and very well spoken. #NOPE no HOODRAT OVER HERE!!!
I consider you my sister in the political world...philanthropic world....and in the faith.
I am happy God has placed you in my life. I couldn't say there was a better pairing.
Sleep over #HECKYA
If anyone knows ANYTHING about me, IT WOULD BE ERICA lol....
Remember this: (When AIM was popping)

es MOISE 18 [12:20 PM]: ooh

es MOISE 18 [12:20 PM]: am i interrupting?

es MOISE 18 [12:20 PM]: im sorry

CHARDLINE [12:20 PM]: yah....im jus making my own porn yah....im jus making my own porn

CHARDLINE [12:20 PM]: lolz nosah

#OnlyUS . Only we would have a casual conversation like this and see it as normal, and other's see it as WTF....YOU ARE CORNY LOL !!!

I only you will do well in the future...and regardless what ANYONE SAYS ABOUT YOU, I will always be on your side! We are sisters of the pouch united...they isn't a stronger bond!!!! I PROMISE!!!
i WOULD def like to Thank PATTY FOR SEEING THE POTENTIAL in both of us!!! I would also like to thank the MAYOR'SOFFICE for reuniting us (and IT FELT SO GOOOOD LOL) i love BABES!!!

Sleep over soon???


Did I ever tell you I lovvvvvveeeeeeee RICKY BLAZE?

Using only song titles from one artist, cleverly answer these questions:

Pick a band/artist: Ricky Blaze

1. Are you a male or female: Wifey

2. Describe yourself: I Feel Free

3. How do you feel about yourself: How mi Look

4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Cut Dem Off

5. Describe your current location: Around de Globe

6. Describe where you want to be: Brooklyn Rock

7. Your best friend(s) is/are: For Life

8. Your favorite color is: Cut de Checks (MONEYYYYY GREEENEEEN MONEY LOL)

9. You know that: I Just Love to Dance

10. What’s the weather like: Turn it up (Ft. Young Ak)

11. If your life was a television show what would it be called: Jolly My Baby

12. What is life to you: Just You and I

13. What is the best advice you have to give: Nah stop Dance

14. If you could change your name what would you change it to: Piece of Ting

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wow...Lemme Tell YA!

It looks as if my 2011 year started January 9 2011 at 5:30pm Sunday.  I am now realizing me new calling in life...I know now that by the grace of God, there is something "more" that I am entitiled to but I am masking it because of my sinful nature. At first, I was ashamed of my sinful nature, but now I've received comforting words from Nathaniel Eloi " God does not Condemn you for your sins" and after he said that I knew that God was a forgiving God. It was a beautiful feeling. My tears did not flow down my face in vain, I will continue to make way for deliverance.

Then yesterday I went to Abundant Life Church with Erica and I had my first break through. I pray to God that I have more. I don't want anything to hinder my relationship with God. I have a lot of work to do though...A lot nmore than I think I am ready for, but day by day I will be able to take this on.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I just had the urge to write :)

Hmmmm, I would be lying if I said I didn't care what others thought of me. Face it, you leave the house and you call yourself bummy while wearing your Sundays best. Oh well...whether  you choose to believe that you don't embody anything that I just said, just know that if it were up to me... I WOULD WALK OUT THE HOUSE NAKED EVERYDAY! Not cuz public nudity is an offense but because I'm most free and comfortable. Yes, I'm a #RebelWithoutACause

I'm not too sure as to why I embody this principle, but I guess when you live in a society where your reputation speaks a lot about you, from the stride in your walk....to tone in your "talk" you want to be on your A GAME.

I can't Vouch for myself and say that I've always been on my A GAME because I'm human... I'm susceptible to mistakes. Who isn't. Now I would say I wanna make New Years Resolutions but I won't cuz  self improvements take time and I don't want to wait to make self improvements...it's something I have to practice daily.

So here's a list of SELF IMPROVEMENTS that I want to accomplish:

  1. I want to graduate with a JD (Law Degree) and MPA (Master's of Public Administration). I'm confident in my skills of attaining this goal.
  2. I want to attain happiness on my own. I write and preach about it, but I have to be able to practice this myself. Relying on a specific feat or for someone to come into my life and give me the happiness I think I deserve doesn't sound too wise of me.
  3. I want to build closer relationship with God. I AM SURE, FOR A FACT that he has an acting presence in my life. I may not be completely aware, but I know when I go to church and I start singing, I feel better. My troubles seem to be at bay and I feel awesome. There is no greater feeling then that feeling. 
  4. I want to be more selective about whom I allow into my life. I seem to praise everyone that has entered my life...but they are they very poison that infiltrates the blood in my veins. I don't like to pass too much judgement, but I've been too accepting of those who come into my life.
  5. I want to loose 90lbs. lmaooo THAT'S A LOT HUH??